#ClimateFacts: You can’t hold back science

1 min readJan 26, 2017


Donald Trump and his administration are waging a war on science and objective truth.

In just their first few days in office, the Trump administration deleted the White House climate website, silenced National Park Service twitter accounts who tweeted basic scientific facts, put a gag order on EPA employees, told the agency to cut their climate webpages (though they’ve since suspended most of that request), lied about the environmental impact of Keystone XL and the Dakota Access Pipeline, and made the case for “alternative facts” to the press.

The online response to these actions has been significant. National Park Service accounts, both fake and real, have gained tens of thousands of followers. People are rushing to the defense of science and the EPA.

So we wanted to turn up the volume and flood the internet with #climatefacts. In just a short time we had a massive response, with hundreds of people tweeting to tens of millions. It was one of the top English language hashtags in the world.

Here are just some of our favorites:

There’s hope. We can keep on resisting Trump’s efforts and do what’s necessary to keep fossil fuels in the ground. We only have a short time frame, so it’s up to use to ensure a livable planet.




350 is a global org that's inspiring the world to rise to the challenge of the climate crisis. This blog is a look behind the scenes at how we do that.